Rave Spotter is an all around general spotter, safe and non-toxic which comes in a 32 oz flip top bottle or now comes in 1 gallon. Got SPOTS & stains? Get RAVE Spotter! -No VOC’s -Soap Free -Pet Friendly -Non-Resoiling -No Rinse Formula -Nothing Unpleasant -Environmentally friendly -Removes 98% Spots & Stains Safely instantly dissolve & remove… Oil Ink Food Grease Coffee Tea Cosmetics Various wines Plus much more! DIRECTIONS; -WIPE US EXCESS -SPRAY -BLOT -MIST -WALK AWAY TIPS & TRICKS *Pre-Treat B4 Cleaning Process *Repeat steps if needed *Test for colorfastness *Keep out reach children
The 32 oz comes with a spray top while the gallon you can make your own spotters/sprayers.
My go to spotter! Works very well
Does exactly what it says it does love it
I use this on everything
Has helped me with many stans
Breaks down stains quick and works amazing!