True to TMF style 2024 edition we have modified another tool for our great industry. Check out this modified cordless electric sprayer and all its cool features. We wanted it to be simple, easy to use, durable and extremely versatile. From carpets to hard surfaces to deodorizers to protectors and even a new cool furniture spraying attachment included. Below are the modifications:
2.5 gallon 120psi cordless sprayer- new body style for 2024
- Custom bottle w/ 2 openings, measuring cup-cap
- 120 PSI Aquatec pump
- 12 v slide in protected corner Makita style battery
- wall charger
- bent lance w/ stainless steel 6504 jet (w/anti drip) with longer lance
- upholstery gun w/ stainless steel 4001 qd jet
- multi task hard rubber lance holder
- 2 part powder-coating
- modified pump
- MonsterFlex hose
- dual super fast chargers
90 days - wear parts (switches, pressure switches, o-rings, gaskets, seals)
1 Year - manufacturer defect
*Do not let it freeze to get below 33 degrees. Charge Daily this will insure the life of the battery. Also, best to flush the pump with fresh water.